A collection of the Raspberry Pi setup shells.
How To Use
Download, copy, or just clone as
git clone https://github.com/UedaTakeyuki/gc_setups.git
from this github repository.
Then, execute as a shell script, like as follow.
- aiortc.setup.sh: aiortc, pure python implementation of webrtc, setup script.
- bc.setup.sh: bc, arbitrary-precision arithmetic language, setup script.
- boost.setup.sh:
- build-essential.setup.sh:
- clint.setup.sh:
- conan.setup.sh:
- cu.setup.sh:
- digiusb.setup.sh:
- docker.setup.sh:
- esptool.setup.sh:
- ffmpeg.setup2.sh:
- gc.basic.setup.sh:
- glslviewer.setup.sh:
- golang.setup.sh:
- grequests.setup.sh:
- io.setup.sh:
- jq.setup.sh:
- keras.setup.sh:
- kivy.setup.sh:
- libqmi-utils.setup.sh:
- libzmq3-dev.setup.sh:
- minicom.setup.sh:
- mjpeg-streamer.setup.sh:
- mosquitto-clients.setup.sh:
- mosquitto.setup.sh:
- motion.setup.sh:
- nginx.rtmp.setup.sh:
- nginx.setup.sh:
- n.setup.sh:
- ntfs_usbautomounter.setup.sh:
- nuitka.setup.sh: nuitka, a python script compiler, setup script.
- opencv-python.setup.sh:
- pandorafms.setup.sh:
- paramiko.setup.sh:
- pillow.setup.sh:
- poco.setup.sh:
- python-onvif.setup.sh:
- pyusb.setup.sh:
- requests-toolbelt.setup.sh:
- salt-minion.init.sh:
- salt-minion.setup.sh:
- sg3-ulils.setup.sh:
- shc.setup.sh:
- shellinabox.setup.sh:
- start.mosquitto.sh:
- tensorflow.setup.sh:
- tiff.setup.sh:
- valgrind.setup.sh:
- websocket-client.setup.sh:
- xfs.setup.sh:
- yarn.setup.sh: